Take Pro-life Courses This Summer For College Credit!

Repost from Students for Life of America



This summer, you can earn six semester units of college credit mastering the art of pro-life persuasion at a fraction of the cost of other summer programs! All it takes is attending two classes July 13-24 and completing your coursework from home.

Want to make a difference on your campus and beyond? These two courses will enable you to persuade others to the pro-life view whether in one-on-one conversations or giving a speech in one of your classes. And if you’re interested in a pro-life career, two additional courses will be offered in Summer 2016 to receive a certificate and a full major will be launched in Fall 2016.

Course Details

  • Classes meet at Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU)
  • Pro-life Apologetics, July 13-17, taught by Scott Klusendorf
  • Pro-life Public Speaking, July 20-24, taught by Dr. Marc Newman
  • Reading assignments begin May 15, instruction begins July 13 at OKWU
  • College Credit: 3 semester units per class
  • Tuition: $250 per credit hour (dorm room available at a nominal cost)

Sign-up for courses at http://www.okwu.edu/bioethics/. Space is limited, so sign-up today.

Earn Transferable College Credit

No matter where you go to school or what your major—pro-life apologetics and pro-life public speaking—are accredited and open to everyone. You’ll not only get valuable pro-life training, you’ll earn college credit doing it! And you don’t have to change schools to benefit from these two classes.

Distinguished Faculty

Joining Scott Klusendorf this summer is Dr. Marc Newman. He is the former Director of Speech and Debate at the University of California at Irvine, and currently teaches in the doctoral program in the School of Communication and the Arts at Regent University. Marc’s debate teams have won championships at the national level. Dr. Newman is a highly sought after speaker at pro-life conferences and banquets.

Beginning July 13, you will spend a week with Scott Klusendorf mastering the moral logic of the pro-life view. Then, for week two, Dr. Marc Newman will teach you to communicate pro-life truth in public forums. Scott’s class will teach you what to think and say on the abortion issue. Marc will train you how to say it. When you finish up these two summer classes, you’ll be equipped to make a lifetime impact…

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