40 Days for Life – Get Involved!

Dear beloved prayer partner,

You know the power of prayer. Your prayers have saved countless unborn children, and turned many souls toward Christ.

But what if the community of believers in San Diego got together for 40 days of prayer that could close an abortion clinic, or melt the hearts of the abortion clinic workers, or speak to a desperate Mom or Dad?

We have that opportunity!

As you know, in October of 2015, Turning Point relocated next to Family Planning Associates, one of the largest abortion providers in San Diego County. It’s been challenging and heartbreaking, exciting and miraculous to see the Lord save unborn lives, some minutes before their appointment to die.  Every Christian ought to have this kind of experience and see the glory, mercy, grace and love of our God in action.

We invite you to join us for the 40 Days for Life prayer campaign September 28 to November 6. 40 Days for Life is a cross-denominational, faith-based time of fervent prayer and fasting to end abortion.

Join the community of believers and followers of Jesus Christ in San Diego as we unite with others in all 50 states for a major, simultaneous mobilization of prayer for the sanctity of life and the transformation of our nation.

During these 40 days, believers in Jesus will pray on the sidewalk near Family Planning Associates in the Pyramid Shopping Center on Miramar Road.  We need people to fill up the one hour prayers slots each day for 40 days. The hours are 7 am to 7 pm.  We are not there to confront or counsel anyone; we are there to pray for one hour. Jesus says “Can you not watch and pray with me for one hour?” In fact, all participants are asked to sign a statement of peace in which they pledge to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner.

Can you imagine it? Bible Study Groups, Home Fellowships, men, women, youth, all God’s people humbled in prayer in front of FPA (and Turning Point) for 40 days! It will be awe-inspiring.  I don’t know what God will accomplish, but this I know, He will respond!

To sign up: visit 40daysforlife.com, contact our 40 Days for Life Coordinator, , or call us at (858) 397-1970.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14


Praying with the saints,

Turning Point PRC